
MCO Standards




American Association of Cat Enthusiasts (AACE)



HEAD (35)
	10 .. Shape
	10 .. Profile	
	10 .. Ears	
	05 .. Eyes
BODY (35)
	15 .. Shape
	10 .. Legs and Feet	
	10 .. Tail	   
COAT (20)
	10 .. Length	
	10 .. Texture
General Appearance: The Maine Coon is a working cat, muscular, solid, medium to large in size with the look of the wild.  Males may be larger, females are usually smaller.  Females should not be penalized because of this size difference.  Allowance should be made for slow maturation, as a  Maine Coon does not achieve ultimate type until three to four years of age.  Type must not be sacrificed for size, or size for type.
Head Shape: The head is medium in width and slightly longer than wide with allowance for broadening and jowls in males.  Muzzle is square when viewed from any angle.  Cheek bones are high.  Chin must be firm and in line with nose and upper lip.
Profile: The Nose is slightly concave with no break.
Ears Shape: Ears are large, tall, wide at base, tapering to appear pointed, with lynx-like tipping and inner tufts extending beyond the outer edge of the ears.
Placement: They are set high on the head, the distance between them being equal to the width of an ear at its base.
Eyes Shape: Eyes are large, round, wide-set, with a slightly oblique setting.
Colour: Eye color may be shades of green, gold or copper.  Clarity of color is desired.  There is no relationship between eye color and coat color, except in white cats, which may be blue-eyed, copper-eyed or odd-eyed.
Neck Neck:  
Body Shape: Medium to large in size, muscular and broad chested.  The body should be long with all parts proportioned to create a rectangular appearance.  Neck medium to long; may be thick and muscular in older males.  The body should feel solid, with firm muscle and no flabbiness.  When viewed from the rear, there is a definite squareness to the rump.
Legs Legs: The legs are sturdily boned, wide-set, medium in length, in proportion to the body.
Paws Paws are large, round and well tufted underneath and between the pads.  Five toes in front and four in rear.
Tail Tail The tail is long, at least the length of the body, wide at the base and tapering to the tip.
Coat Length The coat is uneven in length and markedly subject to seasonal variation.  Fur on head, neck and shoulders is short, becoming gradually longer along the back toward the tail and down the sides toward the belly.  Britches and belly fur are full and shaggy.  The coat flows smoothly down the body, continuing in the same manner on the tail.  There is a frontal ruff, generally heavier on males than females.  The tail is heavily furred, long and flowing, but it is not bushy as is a fox's brush.
Texture: More or less self maintaining, the coat is warm with a light density undercoat covered by a water proof outer coat.  The coat is not fluffy.  Coat texture may vary with coat color.
Colour White strip around the chin and lip line allowed except in solid color cats.
Condition Condition There is no point score for condition as such.  Flabbiness, Obesity, emaciation, dull coat, evidence of illness, or any other indication that the cat is not in good physical condition or has not had proper grooming are faults, and, should be penalized under the appropriate heading constituting the point score.


Faults: General

Penalize: Untufted paws, Persian-like break to nose, Persian-like undercoat, short tail, short rounded muzzle.

NFA: Delicate bone structure, overall even coat, undershot chin, short cobby body and legs, kinked tail, crossed eyes.  polydactylism, buttons, lockets or spots. 


Accepted Colors:

Blue Eyed White


Blue Tabby Particolor

Copper Eyed White


Blue Silver Tabby Particolor

Odd Eyed White

Cream Tabby Particolor


Blue Smoke

Red Tabby Particolor


Black Smoke

Brown Tabby Particolor


Cameo Smoke

Silver Tabby Particolor


Golden Smoke

Golden Tabby Particolor

Bluecream Smoke

Cameo Tabby Particolor

Blue Tabby

Tortoiseshell Smoke

Blue McTabby Particolor

Blue Silver Tabby

Blue Silver McTabby Particolor

Cream Tabby

Chinchilla Silver

Cream McTabby Particolor

Red Tabby

Shaded Silver

Red McTabby Particolor

Brown Tabby

Shell Cameo

Brown McTabby Particolor

Silver Tabby

Shaded Cameo

Silver McTabby Particolor

Golden Tabby

Chinchilla Golden

Golden McTabby Particolor

Cameo Tabby

Shaded Golden

Cameo McTabby Particolor

Blue McTabby

Shaded Bluecream

Bluecream Particolor

Blue Silver McTabby

Shaded Tortoiseshell

Shaded Bluecream Particolor

Cream McTabby

Smoke Bluecream Particolor

Red McTabby

Blue Bicolor

Tortoiseshell Particolor

Brown McTabby

Black Bicolor

Shaded Tortoiseshell Particolor

Silver McTabby

Cream Bicolor

Smoke Tortoiseshell Particolor

Golden McTabby

Red Bicolor

Blue Patched Tabby Particolor

Cameo McTabby

Blue Silver Patched Tabby Particolor

Blue Patched Tabby

Brown Patched Tabby Particolor

Blue Silver Patched Tabby

Silver Patched Tabby Particolor

Brown Patched Tabby

Golden Patched Tabby Particolor

Silver Patched Tabby

Blue Patched McTabby Particolor

Golden Patched Tabby

Blue Silver Patched McTabby Particolor

Blue Patched McTabby

Brown Patched McTabby Particolor

Blue Silver Patched McTabby

Silver Patched McTabby Particolor

Brown Patched McTabby

Golden Patched McTabby Particolor

Silver Patched McTabby

Golden Patched McTabby